Friday, April 28, 2017

Coca Cola "Under Pressure" Commercial

Coca Cola "Under Pressure"

The audience for this advertisement is children, teenagers, and young adults, who experience stress in any aspect of their lives. This advertisement also targets students, athletes, musicians, dancers; artists in any form, and kids who have troubled homes. You can tell this by the many examples of different stressful situations that are shown in the advertisement. The assumption that the advertisers are making about their audience is that they are in stressful situations and therefore under pressure to succeed at what they are doing. This is a good assumption because almost every child, teenager, or young adult feels that they are under pressure in some current situation they are in.

This is definitely a populist environment, this commercial is very diverse in the sense that it includes many races and many different financially situated people. Coca Cola is relying on relieving student/athlete anxiety and in order for that message to come across they have interpreted various circumstances that students or athletes find themselves in.

My prior knowledge of this product was generally the same as everyone else's knowledge. Coca Cola is a extremely huge brand, arguably one of the most world-wide known. I have drank Coca Cola products before, and even if I hadn't I'm positive I would still be familiar with the brand. I had no prior knowledge of this advertisement until this assignment, but I do like this commercial along with all of the other Coca Cola commercials. I think Coca Cola has a reputation of being a family friendly brand that everyone appeals to.

Manipulation is something that every brand toys with and they try to hide the fact that they are actually manipulating you. Coca Cola does a good job at this because when you think of manipulation you think of negativity, but that's not necessarily the case. Instead you could say Coca Cola persuades you to buy their product by making you relate to their advertisements. This is genius by the way. This commercial specifically is very relatable to teenagers and young adults who experience stress a.k.a everyone. But it could also be somewhat nostalgic for adults who remember what it was like to be a student/athlete/artist and maybe still are. Therefore this commercial makes you want a Coke.

The unstated message this commercial conveys is "Drink a Coke to relieve you're stress."
Any person in their right mind knows this isn't 100% true, but maybe it's not about the literal message and more of a metaphor. Coca Cola gets it. They get what being under pressure is like and they are acknowledging the feelings that children, teenagers, and young adults have. This commercial shows the high expectations that Americans have for themselves and how hard they work. Overall I think this is a pretty decent commercial and it shows many themes that can relate to many people including: pressure, stress, anxiety, succeeding, and relief.

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