Monday, May 15, 2017

Reckless driving kills people. So does gun violence.


  • The Frontier Post is the voice of this ad, they are a Pakistan newspaper. 
  • This is rational propaganda trying to send a message about unsafe driving. I think the voice is authentic and credible.
  • This ad appears in The Frontier Post and was posted online by and since then has been spread through social media.
  • This ad is heavily directed towards anyone who holds a license. Driving is such a privilege that comes with a huge responsibility for the safety of your life and the lives of others.
  • This ad is very general in the sense that it doesn't target any specific race, class, gender, or age group.
  • The writer of this ad doesn't take advantage of the reader. I don't think you could do that with such a sensitive topic. 
  • The purpose of the ad is to drive safe. No question about it, just do it. Unsafe driving kills 2 people every minute.That's 120 people every hour. That's 2880 people every day. 
  • The purpose of this ad is to open people's eyes to how effective driving unsafe can be. They symbolize it by placing car keys a certain way to look like a gun. 
  • The ad does not claim to offer some kind of public service.
  • There is no product.
  • The central idea of the ad is to educate drivers and help them understand how dangerous the roads can be. It focuses on how many lives are lost because of bad driving. Driving is a big responsibility and I think the Frontier Post is trying to stress that.
  • The ad is very rational, it appeals to your emotions. It makes you feel sympathetic and also shocked at how many people fall victim to bad drivers.
  • In a way I think the ad appeals to pride and sloth. Pride meaning that if you are a reckless driver and think it's cool to be one, then get over yourself because it is dangerous, Sloth meaning, it is so easy to follow the laws of driving so just do it, don't be lazy.
  • The ad uses facts, not to impressive, but almost guilt the reader. If you are over the age of 16 then you probably drive, so just think, it could have been you.
  • I believe that these claims were true. This was in 2013 so the statistics have probably changed.
  •  The overall design of the ad is dark and direct. 
  • The attention-getting ploys that are used in this ad is simply the gun-shaped key. You quickly pickup the fact that it is an ad about some sort of violence. 
  • The ad doesn't have much color, it is fairly black and white. This could be metaphorical to driving safe or driving unsafe, there is no in between.
  • The texts is very minimal and subtle. It contrasts nicely with the background.
  • The text is implying that driving unsafe is the same as owning a gun for violent purposes.
  • The text literally means that driving unsafe does kill people. 
  • The print size is small, maybe so that you have to really look at the picture to see what it says. The font is normal, nothing special about it. Much like this ad; very direct.
  • The print is small to capture your attention and to look deeper into the picture.

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