Friday, May 12, 2017

The Genius Salvation Army

  • The overall effect of this design is very subtle and understated. The backgrounds are just plain gray or black so you can really focus on the colors on the women. This ad was a internet joke put to good use. Everyone remember the dress right? Some would see it as blue and black, others would see it as white and gold. Now it has quickly switched from a silly argument to a conversation that actually matters.
  • The bruises and cuts on the women is what immediately gets my attention. When you analyze this ad it becomes clear that it's about domestic abuse. The ads are very rectangular so it was probably meant for a billboard. There is a lot of sadness in the images, and it makes you feel guilty for women who are victims to abuse.
  • The audience for this ad is women. All women who were/are in an abusive relationship. It also, in a way, targets everyone and challenges them to pay better attention to women in relationships because hiding abuse is very easy and very common. The text tells you that 1/6 women are victims of abuse, that's almost 17% of women!
  • This ad is definitely meant to appeal to your emotions. Obviously domestic abuse is not an light or easy topic, so this ad evokes feelings of sadness, sympathy, and maybe even anger. This ad is very meaningful and sparked the concept of domestic abuse all around social media. I think it's an incredible thing to turn such a huge internet picture into an even bigger picture.
  • For me personally, and hopefully for many people who have seen this ad, this ad makes you really think about abuse of woman more than you have before. People can connect with this so well because of it's origin. Also, finding out that statistics behind the ad; that this happens to 1/6 woman, is unbelievable. Think of how many woman you know, a lot more than 6. It makes you wonder if this is happening to someone you know, and you're missing the signs. This ad is very hard-hitting and really makes you consider the topic.
  • In this ad, I think the picture does most of the talking. They say a picture is worth 1000 words. And although these aren't real life examples, it's a lot easier to talk about domestic abuse then to see it. So when you are presented with pictures of women who are in physical and emotional pain, you feelings become that much stronger towards the concept.

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